ZnO Nanopowder For Rubber
ZnO Nanopowder For Rubber: The Benefits And Uses

ZnO Nanopowder For Rubber | Image Resource : rohinipatilblog.weebly.com
Nanopowders are unique compounds. They exhibit different physical and often chemical properties to that of their bulk form. These powders are a few nanometres in size and are often used in several chemical industrial processes. Nano powders exhibit unique properties due to their change in volume to surface area ratio. As the ratio becomes more and more significant, the properties keep changing as well.
The recent rise of ZnO (Zinc Oxide) nano powders tells us about the present demand of nano powders. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is usually found in the form of colourless hexagonal crystals or in the form of a white powder. It turns lemon yellow on getting exposed to heat. Zinc oxide evaporates at 1300° C and sublimates at 1800° C. Hence, there is no liquid form of this substance. They are only found in a solid state or in a gaseous state.
Zinc Oxide is used and considered fitted to be used in several industrial processes due to its inherent and unique physical and chemical properties. Metallurgical and chemical methods are the two divisions that are there in preparation of zinc oxide. Zinc Oxide is known to exhibit chemical stability, high photostability, high electrochemical coupling coefficiency and broad range of radiation absorption. Zinc Oxide is also classified as a semi-conductor.
The ever-increasing rubber industry have steadily increased the usage of ZnO nanopowder for rubber production, over the years. The optical, chemical and physical properties of zinc oxide have proven to be beneficial to the industries engaged in rubber production. Zinc oxide is known to accelerate the process of cure of rubber along with other accelerators. Tyres are often loaded with zinc oxide due to their semi-conductor nature to enable them to absorb heat that gets built up while functioning.
ZnO for Rubber Treatment
Zinc Oxide has a wide range of uses. But it is primarily employed by the rubber industries. Zinc Oxide is used asan accelerators for the chemical reactions.The rubber industries employ zinc oxide in large quantities Here are some of the positive impacts that are brought about by the usage of ZnOnanopowder for rubber production:
Vulcanization: Zinc Oxide, along with sulphur is added to activate the promoters of the process of production of rubber. Hence it helps in speedy and effective vulcanization.
Latex Gelation: The nanopwder of zinc oxide provides stability to foam. This property helps it to solidify foam from which mattresses are made.
Heat conduction: Being a semi-conductor of heat, zinc oxide helps in conducting the heat away from the tires that they generate while operating. This reduces the rate of depreciation in the quality of the tires.
Zinc Oxide is an important part of the rubber industry now. They act as activators of catalysts in the process of making rubber. The process is quicker in the presence of Zinc Oxide. Furthermore, in proper quantities,it helps the rubber be resistant to heat ageing, helps in chemical reinforcement and scorch control.
The recent rise of ZnO (Zinc Oxide) nano powders tells us about the present demand of nano powders. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is usually found in the form of colourless hexagonal crystals or in the form of a white powder. It turns lemon yellow on getting exposed to heat. Zinc oxide evaporates at 1300° C and sublimates at 1800° C. Hence, there is no liquid form of this substance. They are only found in a solid state or in a gaseous state.
Zinc Oxide is used and considered fitted to be used in several industrial processes due to its inherent and unique physical and chemical properties. Metallurgical and chemical methods are the two divisions that are there in preparation of zinc oxide. Zinc Oxide is known to exhibit chemical stability, high photostability, high electrochemical coupling coefficiency and broad range of radiation absorption. Zinc Oxide is also classified as a semi-conductor.
The ever-increasing rubber industry have steadily increased the usage of ZnO nanopowder for rubber production, over the years. The optical, chemical and physical properties of zinc oxide have proven to be beneficial to the industries engaged in rubber production. Zinc oxide is known to accelerate the process of cure of rubber along with other accelerators. Tyres are often loaded with zinc oxide due to their semi-conductor nature to enable them to absorb heat that gets built up while functioning.
ZnO for Rubber Treatment
Zinc Oxide has a wide range of uses. But it is primarily employed by the rubber industries. Zinc Oxide is used asan accelerators for the chemical reactions.The rubber industries employ zinc oxide in large quantities Here are some of the positive impacts that are brought about by the usage of ZnOnanopowder for rubber production:
Vulcanization: Zinc Oxide, along with sulphur is added to activate the promoters of the process of production of rubber. Hence it helps in speedy and effective vulcanization.
Latex Gelation: The nanopwder of zinc oxide provides stability to foam. This property helps it to solidify foam from which mattresses are made.
Heat conduction: Being a semi-conductor of heat, zinc oxide helps in conducting the heat away from the tires that they generate while operating. This reduces the rate of depreciation in the quality of the tires.
Zinc Oxide is an important part of the rubber industry now. They act as activators of catalysts in the process of making rubber. The process is quicker in the presence of Zinc Oxide. Furthermore, in proper quantities,it helps the rubber be resistant to heat ageing, helps in chemical reinforcement and scorch control.